Coffee Donuts Fitness
Fitness & Health • Food • Lifestyle
Incorporating good nutrition and fitness into your lifestyle can be a challenge at times. We are always looking for ways to improve as well as tips to make it easier. At Coffee Donuts Fitness we are working hard to help provide you with strategies to improve your overall wellness.
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Putting Aside "Junk Food" to Make Better Choices

This content is usually part of our paid subscription but wanted to offer it to all members this week because I felt it was just that important! If you are interested in more content like this give the subscription a try by using Spring at checkout for a FREE month!

We have been talking a bunch about emotional eating. Usually when this topic comes up people think ice cream and cookies and while that may be true for some it isn't for others. I put "junk food" in quotes because I want you to think outside the traditional sense. I try and think of it as anything processed. Maybe when you're stressed you overeat cheese and crackers or you dip Italian Bread in olive oil. When you are stressed or upset, what do you run to?

For me, I run to chocolate and while I know eating a piece of chocolate every once in a while isn't bad, it is not a choice that is good for me. This is a pattern I tried to change recently and I wanted to share some tips on how to adjust your behavior so rather than run to "junk food" you stop and make a different choice.

A very important part of this process is to identify the trigger. Something is giving you the feeling to run towards that junk food. I tend to recommend food journals often because they can give us so much valuable information. I also want to stress that it does not have to be a long term thing. One or two weeks of a food journal will be very helpful. I also want to add that not recording the 3 Hershey Kisses you ate is defeating the purpose. No one has to see this journal but you and like I've said in the past if at the end of the 2 weeks you want to burn the thing than by all means safely do so! Identifying the trigger is going to help you because at this point your brain is automatically identifying it and then telling your body to reach for whatever comfort food works for you. You aren't even thinking about it anymore, you are just doing it.

Next I want you to make a list of actions you can take before indulging in that comfort food.

  • Drink a large glass of water
  • Give a family member a hug
  • Do 5 squats
  • Take 3 deep breaths
    You get the idea. Write down a few that work best for you. The next time you get the urge to reach for that chocolate, or insert your version, I want you to do one of the other actions first. Notice how you feel right after you do the action. Do you see have the urge to indulge in that treat? This may take some time to sort out. Maybe after doing the 5 squats you still want chocolate but you found if you take a big drink of water you no longer need it. You are going to have to find what works best for you.

Whatever it is that you find works for you is going to have to be something that is easy. If drinking a big glass of water works best for you than you need to make sure you have water readily available.

My last little tip here is to show yourself kindness. I know I will lose a few of you here but guys your mindset really matters, even if you don't believe it yet. The way you speak to yourself will impact your journey. Talking down to yourself because you gave into the chocolate does not make you a bad person, it makes you human. So instead of the negative self talk, acknowledge it. "Yep I ate the chocolate. If felt great in the moment but the feeling didn't last. " Make a plan for next time. I need to remember to do something off my action list or I really need to remember to keep my water bottle close by.

I call this whole process we are on a journey because guys that is what it is. This is not an all or nothing lifestyle, this is just life. You are going to have ups and downs. You will have weeks without picking up chocolate and then you will give in. You are a work in progress and you need to treat yourself as such.

I want to end this with one little piece of advice I heard recently. If you spoke to someone else the way you spoke to yourself what would happen? Would it end in a pleasant conversation or would you get punched? If you answered punched than you need to reevaluate how you speak to yourself!

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Holiday Weekend Message | Coffee Donuts Fitness

Happy Saturday! I wanted to hop by and give you this important message for this weekend because I hear a lot of this going around!

Do not punish yourself with exercise. When you get into that mindset you will start resenting working out because you will associate it with something negative rather than all the positive it brings.

I totally get not wanting to lose your progress but it is not going to happen with one meal or in one day or really one weekend!

If you can relate to this I want you to do this...

Each morning when you get up be intentional about how you will show up that day. Will you do your workout? Will you focus on your nutrition? Will you go to the party and have one margarita and then seltzer? Pick your one way to show up and stick to it and let the rest happen. Remember this is for a day, not every single day. One day letting yourself eat outside your plan is going to be ok!

Have fun and make good memories, and please be safe! Uber is a fantastic ...

Grilled Fennel Chicken Salad!

Here is a little preview at tomorrows lunch meal prep recipe!! If you do not subscribe I would totally join now to grab this recipe!

Use the code Mealprep for a free month!

I Will Teach You To Start Small To Be Successful | Coffee Donuts Fitness

Sometimes we struggle with our progress because we are doing too much too quickly! This journey is going to take time and if we do too much at once we are going to get overwhelmed and will end up making it harder!

These are 3 signs that you may be starting off with too much and may need to scale it back a bit!

What is Coffee Donuts Fitness?

I get this question often, rightfully so I guess lol I mean I have Donuts and Fitness together in my business name which can be a little confusing. I want to straightforward tell you what it is and what it is not!

IT IS...

  • A mindset nutrition company focused on building healthy habits to lead a healthy lifestyle. I am about building small sustainable healthy habits! My belief in regards to nutrition is balance. I am not a big believer to completely cutting things out of your diet.
  • A source of motivation and tips for making better choices in a reasonable fashion. I love sharing tips I have found along my journey. My goal is to help you on your journey!
  • A place to find healthy recipes you can easily incorporate into your busy weeknights. Creating healthy recipes for families is one of my favorite parts of what I do! I can't wait to share them with you!
  • A source of tips to work with your family on making better choices, yes that means your children also! I love to work with ...
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Hi There, I'm Sam!

I am the owner of Coffee Donuts Fitness!

Most days you can find me running around because I am a busy mom of 2 boys! I am usually with my family or doing some kind of activity! We are a very active family!

I am mostly known for helping other busy moms with meal preps and planning. I love serving others by giving them strategies to help them be successful on their wellness journey and to feel great while doing it! I am most passionate about my health, my family, and inspiring others to lead a healthy lifestyle while still enjoying some yummy treats along the way!

I create courses, teach, and inspire other moms who struggle with trying to fit it all in. I know what it is like to be really busy but still want to be able to focus on getting healthy! It can really be hard! I am so lucky to be able to inspire and teach them to focus on their healthy while leading a busy life and without making excuses!

When I'm not busy working on building my community you can catch me ...

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It's Finally Here! | Exclusive Deal Inside Just For You!

Hey members! My new website is up and running and I would LOVE to be able to show it to you!

There you will find all my weekly blog posts, weekly challenges, a monthly bonus recipe, and some free trainings thrown in!

Also I am so excited to bring to you the Coffee Donuts Fitness Academy! On this part of the site you will have access to ALL my recipes, exclusive trainings and posts to help guide you through your journey!

Because you all mean so much to me I have a special deal just for you! Come check out the new Academy and use the code CDF15 to save 15% off the monthly membership!

I hope to see you there!

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